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Featuring: Cougar Sumter South Carolina - Signup to Our Free Singles Site Today!

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Feature Members who have just signed up:

hotanxiety on date hookup

Age 54 From Conway, South Carolina - Online Last 24 Hours
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (477 Miles Away)

I love younger guys... been told often i do not look my age, what they dont know is i dont act my age either!!

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Independent Cougar Looking for Fun

Age 53 From Myrtle Beach, South Carolina - Online Yesterday
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (488 Miles Away)

How does one describe oneself? This is better left to someone else. Others have said I am caring, friendly, loving, passionate, a flirt, hippy tree hugger, attractive, intelligent, outgoing, outspoken, I put people/animals at ease, I can talk to...

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Fit, fun and super sexy!

Age 48 From Columbia, South Carolina - Online Yesterday
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (426 Miles Away)

I am a very young looking and feeling lady. I work out and eat well. I think most men my age and older are sooooo old. They are out of shape and full of themselves more the most part. I would date a man my age if he looked as young as me but so far...

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passion starter

Age 55 From Seneca, South Carolina - Online Now
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (364 Miles Away)

sweet, sexy, passionate, hard working, family oriented, movie lover, nature buff, like animals

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Any Citadel cadets out there?

Age 52 From Charleston, South Carolina - Online Last 24 Hours
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (527 Miles Away)

I've got a wonderful 9 year old son and am a single mom. Just looking for a discreet friend to get to know better. Not looking for anything serious for the time being. I really like Citadel guys!

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i love sex

Age 41 From Georgetown, South Carolina - Online Now
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (498 Miles Away)

enjoy lots of sexy playtimes, intimate, sensual kissing and caressing etc, before, during and after bursts of horny penetration - variety is definitely the spice of LIFE hope you agree

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