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Featuring: Cougar Somerset Wisconsin - Join Our Free Singles Website Now!

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Welcome to my Fantasy Read me

Age 39 From Elkhorn, Wisconsin - Online Now
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (343 Miles Away)

Am Lonely Here looking for someone so we can have Company together so turemaryn me so we can Google Chat some Nude

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looking for relationship

Age 43 From Menasha, Wisconsin - Online Today
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (405 Miles Away)

Kind loving hopeless romantic at heart. Know how to treat a lady. Great lover.

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Get your sexy on.

Age 51 From Madison, Wisconsin - Online Today
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (400 Miles Away)

I have this weird desire to change the world. I believe you should be nice to people every day. Yes, this includes your waiters and waitresses. I have teenagers, who have a father, so while I would hope you would be nice to my family - it also isn't...

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cougar in training

Age 46 From Somerset, Wisconsin - Online Today
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (607 Miles Away)

A fun flirtacious women I like to meet new people. I guess you could say I am a women that is independant. I like to have fun with my friends. I am not sure what I am looking for if the sparks fly so be it if not I have alot of energy and a high...

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bbw waiting

Age 47 From Milw, Wisconsin - Online Today
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (332 Miles Away)

I am a independent women who tends to act younger then i am. Im a easy going person that tends to act like one of the guys. Im lokking for friends and if anything else happens. wooohooo

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Rocker and Country Girl

Age 55 From Rib Mountain, Wisconsin - Online Now
Cougar Seeking A Cub/Male (483 Miles Away)

I have a 20 yr old daughter who says she acts older than I do. LOL Well I believe she sometimes takes life to seriously. I believe living life to its fullest and having fun while you can. My grandmother always told me once you get to old there is...

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